Bake Beans DAO

Bake Beans DAO is responsible for the governance of the Bake Beans: Reborn Contract. This means that the BBreborn contract will be in control of the community from the very beginning.

This will allow community members to vote on proposals and decisions related to the contract, ensuring a decentralized and transparent governance process.

Bake Beans DAO current contract is still simple, with only a few proposals like withdrawing funds from the Treasury, transferring ownership of the contracts, setting the initialized state of the contract, and revoking community members that exploit and take advantage of the contract. As the community grows, so will the DAO contract, which will be constantly upgraded to cater to the needs of the community and the project.

The goal is to eventually have a robust governance system in place that empowers all community members to have a say in the direction of the project. This democratic approach will help ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the entire community.

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